A world renowned Japanese blend, Hibiki 17 Year Old is made with aged malt and grain whiskies from Suntory’s distilleries. Initially released in 1989, the blend is matured in Japanese mizunara oak casks at Yamazaki. Hibiki means harmony, which has certainly been achieved in this wonderful and iconic blend.
Nose: Quite full. There are notes of honey and wax, resin and oak. There are notes of gentle smoke and cacao, hints of cooked fruit and a nutty note.
Palate: Sweet and rich. There are crisp notes of mixed peels, raisin and custard with a little zest and plenty of oak.
Finish: Long with notes of oak and cocoa and sherried peels.
Country : Japanese Whisky
Style : Blended Whisky
Alcohol : 43.0%
Volume : 70cl